Two good reasons to work at admin:
- God's a planner - he brings order out of chaos and we reflect him when we impose order on the areas for which we are responsible (Proverbs 21:5)
- Jesus set us an example - John 13 - how we do our ministry impacts on those around us - we need a servant-hearted attitude in all areas
- Paperwork: make a home for everything, set up a system and use it (invest in storage)
- Computer: file strategically and regularly/designate specific times for checking email/mind your language
- Communication: clear, detailed, appropriate, gracious
- Meetings: organise well in advance, keep to time, clear action points, email summary after
- Events: thorough planning, delegation and reviewing
- Admin as encouragement: handwritten cards
Can I echo the comment about handwritten cards? When I was leading a holiday club or camp, I would always send a handwritten Thankyou card to every team member afterwards. It did take a lot of time, so needed to be planned for - but I know from responses that it was hugely appreciated, and helped me to show people how much I valued their involvement in the team.