Monday, 31 January 2011


This is the second half of the seminar on Time management and Admin. Administration is utterly vital to Christian ministry. Done well, it honours Christ and advances the work of the Gospel. Done badly, and the opposite things happen. Our advice to anyone new in ministry (or old in it for that matter) is to urgently desire this spiritual gift (1 Corinthians 12:28). Jackie Moralee led this brilliantly

Two good reasons to work at admin:
  • God's a planner - he brings order out of chaos and we reflect him when we impose order on the areas for which we are responsible (Proverbs 21:5)
  • Jesus set us an example - John 13 - how we do our ministry impacts on those around us - we need a servant-hearted attitude in all areas
Good admin enhances ministry, bad admin gets in the way of ministry.


  • Paperwork: make a home for everything, set up a system and use it (invest in storage)
  • Computer: file strategically and regularly/designate specific times for checking email/mind your language
  • Communication: clear, detailed, appropriate, gracious
  • Meetings: organise well in advance, keep to time, clear action points, email summary after
  • Events: thorough planning, delegation and reviewing
  • Admin as encouragement: handwritten cards

1 comment:

  1. Can I echo the comment about handwritten cards? When I was leading a holiday club or camp, I would always send a handwritten Thankyou card to every team member afterwards. It did take a lot of time, so needed to be planned for - but I know from responses that it was hugely appreciated, and helped me to show people how much I valued their involvement in the team.
