So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.
2 Corinthians 4 v 12
As we give ourselves in sacrificial service, then God brings life to others.
It seems that this is why Christian Ministry is so hard, wearing and draining. We are giving our very lives in His service. But it is only as we do this that God's work will progress in the lives of others.

Trevor's talk from 1 Thessalonians 2 focussed on the remarkable image that Paul uses to describe the method of his ministry, where he compares it to a mother giving herself to her children. These are the characteristics of a mother, and of those in Christian ministry:
- Gentle (v7)
- Loving (v7-8)
- Self Giving (v8)
- Hard Working (v9)
- A Blessing not a Burden (v9)
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